Northern Light - Nature PhotographyDonation of Pieter and Marieke Sanders

The central themes of Northern Light: Nature Photography are the photographer’s vision of nature and how humas relate to nature. Topics include the cycles in nature, human interventions in nature, including the disturbance of ecological balance, and how the human condition is reflected in relation to nature. A major role in this book is played by circa sixty works of Finnish photographers from The Helsinki School, from the collection of Pieter and Marieke Sanders, gifted to Museum de Fundatie.

Waanders Publishers with texts by Maarten Bertheux, Edo Dijksterhuis, Beatrice von Bormann

Nederlands/English 24 x 28 cm 144 pages ca. 100 illustrations paperback ISBN 9789462625570 € 28,95 Available at the museum or via

Exhibition 8 June - 22 September 2024 at Museum de Fundatie, Zwolle, the Netherlands